What the Hell, Hero?: In Magic Of The Rainbow, after she inadvertently helps Laverna. Un-Sorcerer: She was wingless a fairy, before Enchantress gave her a pair. Unskilled, but Strong: When she first tries magic in the third film, her raw power surpasses anyone else in the class, but she initially has trouble controlling her abilities, nearly getting Sunburst covered in water and accidentally turning her blue using magical luminescence. She has more Ship Tease with Linden in the third film. Ship Tease: A bit between her and Nalu in the first film, but theyre ultimately confirmed to be Just Friends in the second. And for Bibble and Dizzle in Magic of the Rainbow.
Shipper on Deck: For Nori and Nalu in Mermaidia. Platonic Life-Partners: Ultimately revealed to be this with Nalu, despite earlier Ship Tease. Pink Means Feminine: Her outfits all have pink as a prominent color. She also has this reaction when she realizes she accidentally released Laverna from her toadification curse. My God, What Have I Done?: In Mermaidia: she outright states "What have I done?" when she exchanges her wings for a mermaid tail to save Nori, though she gets over it pretty quickly, seeing as Nori's life and the fate of Mermaidia are at stake. Initial Ship Tease aside, Elina and Nalu are just friends. Fortunately, with some encouragement from Azura, she snaps out of it and defeats Laverna, after which she is rewarded with wings from the Enchantress. I Just Want to Be Normal: In the first film, she wants wings like every other fairy more than anything, to the point where she nearly lets Laverna hypnotize her into helping her take over Fairytopia in exchange for wings. Also with Glee in Magic of the Rainbow, with the two becoming friends very quickly. Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Dandelion, combined with Those Two Girls, in the first film theyre often seen hanging out together and Dandelion initially comes with her on her quest to find Azura. Also in Magic of the Rainbow, where she throws herself in front of Laverna's blush-destroying magic beam. Luckily, they are able to rectify this by having her eat a True Self Berry, which restores her wings. Downplayed in that it doesnt involve dying, but in the second film, she leaps into the water to catch the poison vial Max drops to save Mermaidia, even though this results in her becoming a mermaid permanently (she had to be out of the water before the last pearl on her magic necklace turned white to regain her wings), meaning she will never be able to fly or even go home again. The Hero: Of all the Fairytopia films save for Mariposa. He Is Not My Boyfriend: About Nalu when she realizes that Nori's mistaken them for a couple. Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Played straight. In the second film, she spends much of it underwater, which is an even more alien environment for her. Fish out of Water: A wingless fairy (at first). Fire-Forged Friends: With Nori in Mermaidia and with the apprentices in Magic of the Rainbow. And since she's had to walk everywhere anyway she can still travel long distances, unlike the other fairies who have relied on their wings and aren't used to walking. Disability Superpower: Being wingless turns out to her advantage as Laverna's poison affects flight. Laverna exploits this in the third film to trick her into turning her back into a fairy (she'd been struck as a toad at the time). Chronic Hero Syndrome: If someone's in trouble, she always tries to help in any way she can. Its noted in the first film that she has the rainbow in eye, meaning she is destined for greatness and shes saved Fairytopia numerous times. Azura manages to snap her out of it right in the nick time. Brainwashed and Crazy: Laverna hypnotizes her in the climax of the first film, offering her wings in exchange for dooming Fairytopia. The Apprentice: To Azura in Magic of Rainbow, though she already had shades of this in Fairytopia. All Your Powers Combined: How she and the others defeat Laverna in the third film. All of the Other Reindeer: She is often bullied by some of the other fairies and pixies in the Magic Meadow for being born without wings.
Elina is kind and friendly young fairy born without wings, but destiny has other things in store for her.
The main protagonist of the Fairytopia series.